The Angel Care Fund

About The Program

The Angel Care Fund is an LHVC program that is devoted to addressing the growing number of animals left suffering and homeless, in part due to treatable medical conditions that are unaffordable to owners.  In many cases, owners do not have the funding to provide the necessary care, thus the animals are often left untreated/suffering or turned over to local animal shelters often resulting in euthanasia.

LHVC is dedicated to providing financial assistance to pet owners in need of medical procedures that are life-saving or provide significant enhancement to quality of life.  It is our hope that, by lessening the financial burden, these families are able to keep their beloved pets alive and healthy while also aiding in lowering intake numbers to local rescues and animal shelters. 

We rely on the support of people who believe in our mission and appreciate every donation we receive. It’s because of our supporters that we can help save and improve lives. 

Make a Donation

Click the tab below to view the donation form:

"*" indicates required fields

Please enter the amount you will be donating so that we can match up this application along with your actual donation!
Disclosure: Thank you for choosing to donate to LHVC. If you would like a donation receipt please be sure to include your address in the notes section via the Paypal donation link. If no address is present we will be unable to issue a donation receipt. The donations will be applied as a general donation unless a name/catergory has been specified in the comments section via the donation page on Paypal.
Online Payment*
Supported Credit Cards: MasterCard, Visa

Apply for the Program

LHVC provides financial assistance to owners whose pets have treatable medical conditions that they are unable to afford the veterinary bill to complete the care needed to save or drastically improve their quality of life.  In many cases, these pets may be turned over to local animal shelters or rescues and considered for euthanasia due to the financial burden. We seek to lessen this burden for families, shelters and rescues by providing financial assistance for the necessary treatment, allowing these pets to end their suffering and stay with their families.

Please review the following medical equirements for funding prior to submitting an application:

  • Fundable conditions include, but are not limited to: amputations, obstructions, dermatologic conditions, eye surgery, heartworm treatment, pyometra, emergency c-section with spay and mass removal.   
  • Routine veterinary care, including spay and neuter surgeries, are excluded.
  • There are no restrictions based on age or breed, but consideration will be given to additional underlying conditions and the expectation of improvement of quality of life after the proposed treatment or procedure.  
  • We reserve the right to decline financial assistance or to determine partial or complete funding of the proposed treatment.  

Upon receiving an email or message from LHVC, our team will review the request. You will be contacted to review approval or denial of funding for your pet’s care. Most denials will be based on lack of funding, as we will not be able to grant all requests.  LHVC does not discriminate on the basis of age, sex or race. Every effort is made to use funds in the most responsible way.

To qualify for this program, we must receive one of the following:
  • Proof of being on Disability, Social Security, Workers Comp, Medicaid or Medicare or other valid Government Assistance

  • Letter from caretaker

  • Bank Statements, pay stubs from last three months of employment, or letter from employer stating that you fall within the income level to the right

  • Valid ID (drivers license, passport or state issued ID)

Qualifying Income Levels

Persons in family/household

Poverty guideline

















For families/households with more than 8 persons, add $5,500 for each additional person.

Angel Care Program Application

Click the link below to apply now:

"*" indicates required fields

Is this the first form you are submitting for your household, or are you returning to add another pet?*
Primer nombre
Correo electrónico
Please select how you qualify for this program*
Seleccione cómo califica para este programa
i.e. Disability, Medicaid/Medicare, Workers Comp, Government Assistance, Letter from Caretaker, Letter from Employer, Last 3 Pay Stubs or Bank Statement
Drop files here or
Max. file size: 50 MB.
    Drop files here or
    Max. file size: 50 MB.
      Would you prefer to be contacted via phone or email to schedule your appointment?*
      ¿Preferiría ser contactado por teléfono o correo electrónico para programar su cita?
      Will you need a translator to contact you to book your appointment?*
      ¿Necesitará que un traductor se comunique con usted para reservar su cita?
      El nombre de tu mascota
      You can estimate if you do not know exactly / Puede estimar si no lo sabe exactamente.
      Is your pet already spayed or neutered?*
      ¿Tu mascota ya está esterilizada o castrada?
      Pet's sex*
      El sexo de la mascota
      Raza específica de la mascota
      Peso de la mascota. Para las citas de cirugía, se pesará a su mascota en el momento de la cirugía. Si su mascota cae en un rango de peso mayor en el momento de la cirugía, se le notificará antes de la recogida y deberá pagar el saldo en el momento de la recogida.
      Describe la apariencia de tu mascota (incluye marcas específicas)
      Describa cualquier problema médico pasado / actual que haya tenido su mascota. Si está completando este formulario para obtener asistencia médica que no sea una esterilización / castración de rutina para su mascota, explique en detalle la necesidad médica de la mascota aquí. Si es "ninguno", indique ninguno.
      Service(s) Needed:*


      We are a nonprofit clinic with a mission to ensure every pet owner has access to spay/neuter services and preventive care for their pets.

      Veterinary Pet Services & Pricing

      LHVC services include low cost spay/neuter, heartworm prevention/treatment, routine vaccinations, wellness visits and much more.